We will find the right automation service for you.


We will find the right
automation service for you.

Enhance your busi­ness process­es effi­cient­ly and pur­pose­ful­ly. A vari­ety of pre-trained automa­tion ser­vices are avail­able to you on the Insid­ers Mar­ket­place. Upload your doc­u­ment here and we will find the right automa­tion ser­vice for you.

Which document do you want to process automatically?

    Hier­mit bestätige ich, dass ich alle Hin­weise zum Daten­schutz in der Daten­schutzerk­lärung hier zur Ken­nt­nis genom­men habe.

    Your Benefits

    Highest Efficiency

    All rel­e­vant data is extract­ed in in mil­lisec­onds

    Cutting-edge Solutions

    Ben­e­fit from state-of-the-art Deep Learn­ing tech­nolo­gies

    Ready to Use

    All ser­vices are pre-trained and usable right out of the box

    Excellent Reliability

    All required infor­ma­tion is reli­ably read out even with poor image qual­i­ty

    Highest Data Quality

    All infor­ma­tion is sub­ject­ed to an intel­li­gent qual­i­ty con­trol & plau­si­bil­i­ty check

    Secure and GDPR Compliant

    All ser­vices fol­low high­est data pro­tec­tion stan­dards accord­ing to DSGVO & ISO 27001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

    Learn more about our services


    Watch our Insid­ers Insights and learn use­ful tips and tricks for our Insid­ers Ser­vices.

    Help Center

    Do you have ques­tions about our prod­ucts or need help? The Insid­ers Help Cen­ter assists you 24/7.


    Become an automa­tion pro­fes­sion­al! With our use­ful e‑learning cours­es and live train­ings you can deep­en your knowl­edge.

    Didn’t find the right service?

    Use the Ser­vice Builder and build exact­ly the ser­vice you need!

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