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    • Preview_Claims invoice


      • Auto­mat­ed cap­ture of all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion of a dam­age invoice
      • Assign­ment to exist­ing claim report by cap­tur­ing claim num­ber, insur­ance num­ber or license plate num­ber, if avail­able
      • Per­ma­nent opti­miza­tion through AI-based learn­ing
    • .SEIZURE

      • Auto­mat­ed read­ing of com­plex and error-prone process steps and checks
      • Gar­nish­ment infor­ma­tion such as debtor, cred­i­tor and gar­nish­ment amount is reli­ably read out
      • Lean­er, more robust and faster pro­cess­ing thanks to state-of-the-art AI
    • .SEIZURE

      • Auto­mat­ed read­ing of com­plex and error-prone process steps and checks
      • Gar­nish­ment infor­ma­tion such as debtor, cred­i­tor and gar­nish­ment amount is reli­ably read out
      • Lean­er, more robust and faster pro­cess­ing thanks to state-of-the-art AI
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