Extracted Fields

Name of the insured enti­ty

Inden­ti­fi­er of the insured enti­ty

Pol­i­cy Num­ber

Prod­uct / Tar­iff

Ver­sion / Edi­tion of the Tar­iff

Insur­ance Name

Insur­ance Type

Start and end of the billing peri­od

Amount of the insur­ance pre­mi­um

Peri­od of Con­tri­bu­tion / Pay­ment

To get a quick overview of exist­ing insur­ance rela­tion­ships, insur­ance com­pa­nies and bro­kers like to use exist­ing pre­mi­um invoic­es.The AI-based Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .Insur­ance Pre­mi­um makes this infor­ma­tion cap­ture high­ly effi­cient. Regard­less of lay­out, num­ber of pages, or input for­mat, all com­par­a­tive data is cap­tured auto­mat­i­cal­ly in a frac­tion of a sec­ond. The ser­vice is pre-trained using the lat­est Deep Learn­ing mech­a­nisms and thus offers the high­est automa­tion rates – right from the start.

Demo ver­füg­bar:

Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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