Extracted Fields

Field name

First Reg­is­tra­tion

Vehi­cle Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber

Man­u­fac­tur­er Key Num­ber

Type Key Num­ber

Vehi­cle Cat­e­go­ry



Envi­ron­men­tal Cat­e­go­ry

Engine Capac­i­ty

Max­i­mum Net Pow­er

Pow­er Source

Tires on axis

License Plate Num­ber

VRC Num­ber

Name of Vehi­cle Own­er

Address of Vehi­cle Own­er

Next Inspec­tion

Date of Reg­is­tra­tion

Basic Field

Add On Field

With low print inten­si­ties, fad­ed col­ors, soil­ing or creas­es, vehi­cle doc­u­ments such as the vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment are a chal­lenge when it comes to effi­cient­ly pro­cess­ing the infor­ma­tion they con­tain.Thanks to the lat­est AI tech­nolo­gies in the field of image clean­ing and data extrac­tion, the Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment reli­ably reads all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion such as vehi­cle type, man­u­fac­tur­er or first reg­is­tra­tion from every vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment — in sec­onds and com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly.

Demo ver­füg­bar:

Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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Extracted Fields

Field name

First Reg­is­tra­tion

Vehi­cle Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber

Man­u­fac­tur­er Key Num­ber

Type Key Num­ber

Vehi­cle Cat­e­go­ry



Envi­ron­men­tal Cat­e­go­ry

Engine Capac­i­ty

Max­i­mum Net Pow­er

Pow­er Source

Tires on axis

License Plate Num­ber

VRC Num­ber

Name of Vehi­cle Own­er

Address of Vehi­cle Own­er

Next Inspec­tion

Date of Reg­is­tra­tion

Basic Field

Add On Field

With low print inten­si­ties, fad­ed col­ors, soil­ing or creas­es, vehi­cle doc­u­ments such as the vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment are a chal­lenge when it comes to effi­cient­ly pro­cess­ing the infor­ma­tion they con­tain.Thanks to the lat­est AI tech­nolo­gies in the field of image clean­ing and data extrac­tion, the Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment reli­ably reads all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion such as vehi­cle type, man­u­fac­tur­er or first reg­is­tra­tion from every vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment — in sec­onds and com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly.

Demo ver­füg­bar:

Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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