Extracted Fields


Maid­en Name

ZIP Code



House Num­ber

Place of Birth

Date of Birth

Date of Expiry

ID Num­ber


Issue Date

The Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .ID Detec­tion: all-inclu­sive includes all intel­li­gent ser­vices for ID doc­u­ments in one pow­er­ful pack­age. Pass­ports, ID cards and res­i­dence per­mits are reli­ably sort­ed before the rel­e­vant image areas are accu­rate­ly cut out and opti­mized for fur­ther pro­cess­ing.  Final­ly, the ser­vice reads out all the required data with the high­est data qual­i­ty.The high-per­for­mance com­bi­na­tion of the steps clas­si­fi­ca­tion, extrac­tion and seg­men­ta­tion enables ful­ly auto­mat­ed pro­cess­ing of ID doc­u­ments — with­out any human inter­ven­tion and in a frac­tion of the time required for man­u­al pro­cess­ing.

Demo ver­füg­bar:

Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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