Classification of


Iden­ti­ty Card DE

Res­i­dence Per­mit

Iden­ti­ty Card CH

The Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .ID Detec­tion: Clas­si­fi­ca­tion dis­tin­guish­es between dif­fer­ent ID doc­u­ments such as pass­ports, ID cards, or res­i­dence per­mits in a frac­tion of a sec­ond. The front and back of the ID doc­u­ments are matched and cor­rect­ly assigned. The vir­tu­al doc­u­ment batch­es sort­ed by AI can then be rout­ed for fur­ther pro­cess­ing.

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Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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