Extract­ed Fields


Maid­en Name

ZIP Code



House Num­ber

Place of Birth

Date of Birth

Date of Expiry

ID Num­ber


Issue Date

Whether it’s an ID card, pass­port, or driver’s license, the Insid­ers Automa­tion Ser­vice .ID Extrac­tion uses state-of-the-art OCR and deep learn­ing tech­nolo­gies to read all the required data from your ID doc­u­ment — regard­less of the input for­mat. Even mul­ti­ple doc­u­ment pages can be cap­tured with ease: The Insid­ers Ser­vice han­dles a wide vari­ety of posi­tion­ing and eas­i­ly match­es the cor­re­spond­ing front and back page.

Demo ver­füg­bar:

Kat­e­gorie: Nicht fest­gelegt

Sub­sys­tem: Nicht fest­gelegt

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