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    • Preview_Claims invoice


      • Auto­mat­ed cap­ture of all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion of a dam­age invoice
      • Assign­ment to exist­ing claim report by cap­tur­ing claim num­ber, insur­ance num­ber or license plate num­ber, if avail­able
      • Per­ma­nent opti­miza­tion through AI-based learn­ing

      • Recog­ni­tion and assign­ment of dif­fer­ent doc­u­ment types
      • Auto­mat­ic assign­ment of front and back pages, regard­less of the num­ber of pages
      • Sort­ing of the clas­si­fied stacks by AI for opti­mal fur­ther pro­cess­ing in your com­pa­ny

      • Quick overview of exist­ing insur­ance rela­tion­ships
      • Auto­mat­ic cap­ture of com­par­a­tive data regard­less of lay­out, num­ber of pages or input for­mat
      • high­est automa­tion rates thanks to lat­est Deep Learn­ing tech­nol­o­gy
    • .INVOICE

      • Auto­mat­ed data cap­ture and pro­cess­ing of incom­ing invoic­es
      • Regard­less of for­mat – paper and PDF invoic­es as well as ZUGFeRD, XIn­voice and oth­er e‑invoice for­mats
      • Greater effi­cien­cy, low­er error rates and reduced costs through­out your pur­chase-to-pay process

      • Com­ing soon
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